Priority Publications
Please find below some of East Creek’s most relevant publications to clients and volunteers. These documents are abbreviated and simplified versions of more complicated policies to ensure that the most relevant operational policies and procedures are conveyed to relevant stakeholders in a time-efficient and easily understood manner. Please be aware that due to the nature of these documents, they may change without notice (although we do attempt to notify individuals to whom they are relevant), so please regularly look at this page to ensure you are up-to-date on what you can expect from us, and what the Centre expects from you.
Membership and Volunteering
If you would like to become a member, you can submit a membership application form online (using the blue button below to the left), or if you prefer a physical copy, you may download the PDF document version (using the blue button below to the right) and submit to East Creek via email, post or in person.
Policies and Procedures Publications
For those interested in a more comprehensive review of policies relevant to East Creek and its stakeholders. The policies here are more complex in nature, and we do welcome feedback on policies, so please let us know of any areas of improvement. Furthermore, the only policies and procedures here are those that are relevant to the majority of our stakeholders (ie, Clients and volunteers). As such some policies may be omitted due to low relevance (ie, management committee policies).
If you are interested in such policies (for example, employment related policies, governance / legislative requirements, only relevant to staff etc.), please contact the Centre and we will endeavour to get you a copy provided that the reasoning behind its acquisition is sound, justifiable and plausible. If you are unsure, you may contact us for clarification, though all stakeholders are usually provided with all relevant policies and procedures they must comply with upon their first attendance at the Centre.
[There are currently no available documents here]
Digital Flyers / Contact Cards / Other Publications
East Creek receives promotional material from a number of its partners and local community organisation. Where permission has been sought / provided, that documentation is made available here.
[There are currently no available documents here]
Training Resources
As part of East Creek’s ongoing commitment to ensure training needs are being met and identified gaps in training addressed, we make resources / notifications concerning change available here. If you have been asked to acquire / review training material, or would like to review material of your own accord, please find them below.
[There are currently no available documents here]