Hello Everyone,
Welcome to 2025, we hope you all enjoyed a pleasant festive season. This year looks to be another busy year, with all of us returning to work on the 13th of January. On the first week, we had chat and do on the Monday as well as OzHarvest on the Tuesday and Friday, the rest of our groups resumed from the following week to ensure that we have everything up to date for a fresh start.
We all enjoyed the centre Christmas party. The day went very well, with “Women in Harmony” firstly singing a few Christmas songs. This was followed by a delicious lunch cooked by the wonderful men from TOMNET. Finally, everyone enjoyed the cent sale and raffle. Big thankyou to Women in Harmony and TOMNET for their assistance on the day. Photo from the day below.

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Disability Art Group (Artability)
Learn and share your art expertise in our Artability Group. Some equipment supplied, but feel free to bring your own if you wish.
Session Times: Wednesdays 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Cost: $3.00 (includes afternoon tea)
Stroke Support Group
The group supports both those who have had a stroke and their carers, all are welcome.
Session Times: Thursdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am
For further information call the centre on (07) 4639 2755
Eating with Friends Group (Non-OPAP Clients)
The group meets fortnightly for lunch on Wednesday’s at 12:00 noon (please note, if you are being picked up, you will need to be ready well beforehand and to receive a phone call from us on the morning of the event to confirm your pickup.)
Sessions for 2024 (Subject to Availability Closer to Date)

Come and enjoy an affordable meal and a few laughs! We would love your company.
Contact the centre for the latest update. All welcome!
For more details please call Lee on (07) 4639 2755
Computer Lessons
East Creek’s Computer Lessons have been extremely popular lately. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome if they have any general computer, phone, tablet or other serviceable need. There are many benefits in running these classes, and they include:
- Provide older Australians with access to computers and the Internet via Internet Kiosks
- Support seniors to gain confidence and build skills in using new technologies (or have existing non-functioning technologies ‘fixed’) at low / no cost.
- Address the issue of older Australians feeling isolated and ‘left behind’ in a technological age, and build community participation and social inclusion among older Australians
We can work on clients’ own devices, and are open to any and all requests within our capabilities to assist with. Below is a brief breakdown of how Computer Lessons are run at East Creek.
1. Sessions are by appointment only, please ring us on (07) 4639 2755. Emergency appointments can be held for people with issues that are likely to effect the health and wellbeing and or severely effect their livelihood (ie, not able to submit reports to Centrelink etc.) outside of aforementioned hours, but is at the discretion of the tutor.
2. Session costs are negotiable and assessed on a case-by-case basis, but as a general rule of thumb, each session costs $3.00. Our tutors are very understanding, so please do not feel deterred from partaking in computer lessons if you do not have the funds available, or find the session too costly. With a quick chat, we can usually find a way to make sure everyone leaves satisfied with their needs met.
3. Sessions involve one-on-one, hour long sessions covering whatever issues you have in the realm of technology (so please come prepared with questions). If we cannot assist you, then we will endeavour to refer you onto an organisation or service that may be able to assist (as they are external to East Creek, those organisations may or may not charge a fee for their services). We can assist you in the following areas;
- Windows 7/8/10/11
- Mac
- Linux or its ‘flavours’
- Android Smartphones / Tablets
- Iphones / Ipads
- Antivirus / Internet Security / Avoiding Scams (incl. virus removal)
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Surfing the Web
- Emails
- Password Recovery
- Online Shopping / Online Banking
- MyGov, related Government Department Requests and other Online Submissions and Applications
- Troubleshooting and Software Specific Requests (ie, Startup Repairs for when you can’t boot into Windows, specific software not working or giving errors etc.)
- Hardware (minor only, usually limited to Desktop computers, East Creek is not an established repair organisation and is not an authorised repairer / reseller of major brands)
- Social Media and Communication (Facebook, Skype etc.)
- Printers / Scanners / Other Technology (ie, video cameras, photography)
- Image Manipulation (Photo and Video editing, minor only)
- Suggest / Provide alternatives or workarounds to solutions that cannot be solved.
- Anything we missed? Give us a call to confirm to see if we can help…
4. Tutors have varying levels of digital literacy. When making your appointment, we would appreciate you let us know the content you wish for us to assist you with, so we can pair you up with the tutor(s) most suitable to assist you. Furthermore, we will endeavour to get you the most suitable time slot we can, but please understand that it is dependent on tutor availability.
5. While our tutors endeavour to do as much as possible, some tasks will be outside their scope, or may be outside the realms of repair with the amount of time / expertise / tools available to East Creek. In this instance, the tutors reserve a right to not take action on the issue if they feel that their involvement would likely cause additional harm. Furthermore, tutors reserve the right to not take action on an issue if they feel that assisting you would promote further harm to a client, would result in breaking the law, or have any other concerns.
6. Tutors will proceed with their sessions at a pace dictated by the client. As such, clients are welcome to request repeats of similar content as many times as they feel necessary. Our tutors have excellent communication skills and patience, and operate in a completely non-judgmental and safe environment.
7. Computer lessons can only be provided during operating hours (9:00 am – 4:00 pm on weekdays) at the scheduled appointment time with the appropriate tutor. In some instances, lessons may go slightly overtime. We ask all clients to be patient, we will ensure everyone receives their appointed hour assistance unless external sources dictate otherwise. Some clients may request up to 2 hours in one session, but no more than one formal appointment time per week. If a client is unable to attend the appointment, it is expected that clients call us ahead of time (or get in touch via alternate means) so that the tutor is notified well in advance.
8. In some instances a tutor may be ‘in-training’ and act as an observer. In this instance, the client will be notified and has the right to refuse the ‘in-training’ tutor from observing should they not feel comfortable.
9. Clients are welcome to bring their own devices for use.
JP Service
East Creek has a Justice of the Peace available by appointment. If you would like to have documents witnessed or certified, please call the Centre to arrange a time. Ensure that you bring all necessary documentation with you (original documents, copies, the correct legal forms, valid forms of ID etc.), and that you do not sign any documentation that requires witnessing. If you intend to swear an oath, please ensure you bring the appropriate religious text to swear on as well, as the Centre does not have copies of appropriate text.
Please be advised that the JP can offer support on documents they are experienced or trained in, but that should not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, please consult a solicitor, or contact TASC or Legal Aid as per the instructions on the ‘Community Services’ tab. Furthermore, the JP reserves the right to not sign any documentation if you do not have enough supporting evidence, or there is some discernible reason as to why signing a given document could not be certified / witnessed in good faith (ie, if a person is under duress when signing by another party, they fail to understand what they are signing, they are not the appropriate person to do the signing, the document is not in a specified legal format, there is an underlying motive etc.)
In some instances where documents take a long time to certify (ie, certifying each page of the EPAs or other time consuming endeavour), the JP may request that you return at an arranged time for you to collect your documents.
Social Craft Group
East Creek operates a Social Craft group that takes place on Fridays from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon. Bring along any of your personal projects, whether it be scrapbooking, colouring in, diamond paintings or digital art, all are welcome. Work together with your fellow peers to surpass your creative limits, have a leisurely chat and a laugh, and finish the day with a light morning tea. Our participants and Volunteer Activity Coordinators are a lovely bunch and keen to have you. Carers are welcome to come along and participate as well 🙂
Session Times: Friday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Cost: $3.00 per session
No need to RSVP, just come along on the day and enjoy.
Contact us on (07) 4639 2755 if you’d like to find out more.
Tax Help
For those of us who struggle to manage the intricate nature of their annual Tax Returns, East Creek’s long running Tax Help program is able to assist. With volunteers that have been specially trained by the Australian Tax Office, we can assist with explanations and submissions of basic individual tax affairs using the government’s MyGov and MyTax online systems.
This program operates throughout the latter half of July until the end of October every year (unless otherwise stated), and is able to assist in the following tax matters.
– Submission and Amendment of Individual Tax Returns (for years 2014 – 2024)
This includes the process of submitting income and deductions, demonstrating how to navigate the MyTax system to find and submit the information requested of you, as well as any explanations of basic tax concepts (to the extent the volunteers have been trained to under the Tax Help Program).
– Non-Lodgement Advices
Including support to deduce if you are required to lodge in a given period.
– Deductions and Calculations
– Franking Credits
– General Tax Information, advice and MyTax support
Our volunteers may be able to assist in other areas where requested, so if you are unsure if your request falls within the guildelines above, please let us know.
There are strict eligibility requirements for this program, so please ensure you’ve carefully read the information below to make sure you are eligible. There are also additional pre-requisites that need to be met to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly, so please make sure you have all of those pre-requisites sorted out as well. You will also need to bring all evidences related to your tax affairs to confirm any pre-fill information is true and correct, and for any deductions you intend to claim.
If you require the support of multiple previous years’ worth of tax returns, or for multiple people (especially couples), please ensure you make multiple appointments. We will endeavour to help you where we can if something is missing or you are unsure, so please feel free to give us a call on (07) 4639 2755 and our friendly volunteer receptionists and staff will lend a hand.
To be eligible for Tax Help
You must not have earned more than $60,000 (or thereabouts) for the income year…
You must not have…
– Worked as a contractor with an ABN (ie, a taxi / Uber driver, or a contract cleaner)
– Run a business with an ABN, including as a sole trader
– Had partnership or trust matters
– Sold shares or an investment property
– Owned a rental property
– Capital Gains Tax (CGT), such as from the sale of a house
– Received royalties
– Received distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund
– Received foreign income, other than a foreign pension or annuity
Remember to bring all of the following that apply to your appointments for each individual
– Your MyGov Username / Email Address and Password
– A mobile phone that has the same mobile phone number as the one recorded on your MyGov account
– Your bank account details (BSB and Account Number)
– Superannuation information (Super Fund ABN and Membership Number)
– Dividend Information
– Proof of Identity Documentation (Driver License, 18+ Proof of Age Card, Medicare Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Australian Passport, Immi Card etc.)
– Your Tax File Number
– An original or amended notice of assessment for the last five years
– Income statements from all sources (some of which may be available on your MyTax account for employment as at or after 2019)
– All receipts and evidences (including diary entries) for gifts, donations and work-related expenses
– Details of any child support payments made
– If you have a spouse (married or de-facto) at any time during the financial year, you also need to bring details of their taxable income or a reasonable estimate.
This is a free service.
Chat and Do
While we strive to be there for everyone whenever we are needed, our annual Christmas Break period does last for three weeks (in addition to interspersed public holidays), and that can be a long time without support for those of us who are vulnerable or in need. To help mitigate that issue, we run the ‘Chat and Do’ program, a volunteer run activity that takes place over a 3-4 week period while activities are not running at the usual times, and during some public holidays.
Much like our social groups, our volunteers operate a social group in the downstairs activity room so that people can be in a safe, welcoming environment to share their thoughts and interests while they partake in an activity of their choosing. Usually participants bring their own projects (cross-stitch, paint by numbers, puzzles, card games etc.) and engage with other participants for a fun-filled morning of activities. We encourage friendships to blossom that last, and welcome participants to continue to join in in our events once activities recommence, usually late January or early February of the following year.
Session Times are Mondays 9:00 am – 12:00 noon during the Christmas Break period (or thereabouts, please keep an eye on the Newsletters to see what this year’s start and end dates are)
Cost: $3.00 per session
Monthly Special Events
Every month, East Creek hosts a special event (usually one that happens only once a year) that has increased emphasis on a social issue or a circumstance of great value to the community. This can be smaller Centre directed events (such as ‘Feel Good February’) to larger collaborative approaches and partnerships with other organisations (like ‘Harmony Day in the City’ and the ‘Homelessness Week Expo’).
These events usually have exclusive opportunities available and are not to be missed, so make sure you keep your eyes on the newsletter to see what special activity, event or celebration is held for that particular month.
Additional joint projects with other organisations, or instances where organisations may act as guest speakers at our regular events. may also come under this heading and are usually advertised in the Newsletter or Facebook.
Times and dates do vary, and there usually is no cost to these events either unless otherwise stipulated.
Weekend / After Hours Activities
While East Creek is not formally open on weekends, there are social groups that are officially endorsed by East Creek Community Centre that do take place on these days on Centre grounds. Some social groups also have agreements to operate outside of hours on weekdays, usually in the afternoon / evening. These activities are usually those where East Creek has a strong working partnership with them to reach our mutual goals, but does not have East Creek staff supervising the activity. The list below details which Weekend Activities are currently partnered with East Creek.
(Disclaimer: Description taken from the group’s official websites / Facebook Pages. Please click on the links to access their website / Facebook Pages for the latest news and information.)
Toowoomba Home Produce Swap Group
This group is for those folk in the Toowoomba area who have excess home produce / plants (both edible and ornamental) / seeds and seedlings / mulch / manure / compost worms / honey / home made preserves and the like they would like to swap. The extent of items for swapping / gifting is only limited by the members’ imaginations. The gifting of items which would otherwise be disposed of (such as glass jars, plastic bottles, pots etc.) is just one example of what we can share / gift.
It is also a place to share knowledge, photos of home produce related activities, stories and questions. The sharing of knowledge is integral to developing a sense of community in our group.
Contact: Mary Nielsen – Please contact her on the Toowoomba Home Produce Swap Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/toowoombahomegrowersswapgroup/)
Session Times: 1st Saturday of the Month, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Emerge Supports GameFace
Emerge Supports Gameface is a specialised NDIS service based on games and gaming culture!
GameFace is our new service arm- engaging participants in gaming and gaming culture.
Gaming (in all its many forms) can promote confidence, social skills, problem solving and cognitive growth. Many of our participants have asked for help to “level up” in this way but few support workers and services have the geekiness to respond. That’s where we come in- we are geeks and proud!
We can assist with:
- Board games– individually or in groups
- Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games, including teaching the skills for participants lead their own campaigns (to become dungeon masters- DMs)
- Trading card games (Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, etc)
- Warhammer and Warhammer 40K
- Video games and online gaming
- Using a Waccom, digital art and basic design
- Basic computer literacy and online safety
- Cosplay and support to attend SupaNova, ComicCon, etc.
We are flexible about NDIS line items and can work from:
- Core supports– Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities
- Core supports– Group and Centre Based Activities
- Core supports– Community Based Group Activities
- Capacity building– Increased Social and Community Participation
We can work with an individual participant, their friends and networks, or we can link people to regular gaming groups. We currently have groups running in Nanago, Kingaroy and Toowoomba. We can also work with you online, in-game or via Dischord, Skype, or other platforms.
Please get in touch for more information- call Mat on 0432 789 027 or e-mail us-
Women in Harmony Toowoomba
Our members come from many cultural backgrounds. At present we have members from over 25 countries and sing songs in over 30 languages. New members are always welcome constantly adding colour to our ethnic rainbow. Feel free to contact us on;
Mobile: 0407 621 380
Email: womeninhmaronychoir@gmail.com
Toowoomba Speedcubers
Find out more at
The Lab Toowoomba
The Lab is a growing network of not for profit technology clubs for autistic children and young people who enjoy working and playing with computers. The participant led experience at The Lab is designed to be engaging, educational, and supportive and fun.
At each weekly two-hour Lab session, two or more computer programmers and designers work individually with between 10 and 15 young people to develop their social and technology skills. We provide an environment where participants can share their interests in a wide variety of activities such as gaming together, video creation and sharing, graphic design, programming and game development. Mentors are available during Lab sessions to support activities or to work with participants on new projects of interest to them.
To find out more, feel free to contact us at;
Miscellaneous Services
Please Note: All of the services below are more ‘informal’ services provided on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Therefore, there may be additional stipulations that would not apply to our normal services. These include, but are not limited to;
– Being subject to availability of resources, time and qualified and willing staff / volunteers.
– May be restricted to specific eligibility criteria.
– May require authorisation by the Centre Coordinator or the Management Committee prior to service provision
– We may also request a small fee or donation (no more than $3.00 usually) depending on the extent of the service.
There is no universal rule on these situations, and we do attempt to have the least barriers of entry possible, so please feel free to ask and we will do our best to assist.
Form Filling – Certain volunteers and staff members who have experience or skills with particular forms may be able to offer support to others who may find filling in forms challenging, or if there are digital barriers to filling in forms, that too can be alleviated.
Support with Resumes and Cover Letters – If someone has been out of the workforce for a while, or just needs to brush up on how to do a Resume / Cover Letter / Response to Selection Criteria, that may be something we can support you with.
Printing and Photocopying Facilities – Should you require any printing, photocopying, scanning or emailing services, East Creek should be able to provide those. For any printing services requested on its own (ie, not attending another existing activity like Computer Lessons), there may be a small fee here.
‘Free-To-Good-Home’ – Occasionally, members of the community who no longer require certain household items (clothing, books, stationery etc.) may donate some materials to the Centre to pass onto a good home. While we do not tend to have a large amount available, any material that we do have is available for anyone in need to take.
Just want to chat? – When times get tough, sometimes people find it helpful to discuss their troubles in a safe, judgment-free environment. Where reasonable, the Centre is happy to accommodate anyone would just like a chat, to vent their frustrations or just need a sounding-board to get their thoughts in order.
Free Wifi and Use of Technical Resources – The Centre has free Wifi for use by its service users. Additionally, if you require a specific technical resource you don’t have access to, to achieve your objectives (ie, computer, tablet, projector, TV / DVD players etc.), then we may be able to assist depending on your needs. (For example, we have assisted with people who required a computer and space for video conferencing allied health professionals, or demonstrating our technical systems to help others decide to if they wish to invest in a similar setup etc.)
Have your Say – We are committed to ensuring that your voice and needs are heard, and that we have a chance to improve our services for your betterment. To this effect, we are transparent about our Committee Meetings occurring on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at ~ 2:30 pm, and encourage all members of the community to attend and let their voice be known.
Other Services – The Centre is open to take any additional requests not listed on the website should the need arise, and would decide on a case-by-case basis if support can be provided (depending on complexity of the request, available personnel and their existing expertise). Please do not hesitate to ask, so long as it is within our capacity, we are generally able to assist.